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No Child Left Behind Overhaul Signed Into Law

December 10, 2015

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Glenn Thompson (PA-05) today joined House and Senate leaders for the signing of the Every Student Succeeds Act by President Barack Obama. The bill, which passed both chambers with broad bipartisan support, replaces the current elementary and secondary education law “No Child Left Behind.” Thompson, who is a senior member of the House Education and Workforce Committee, was appointed by Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) to serve on the committee responsible for settling differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill.

At the conclusion of the signing ceremony, Thompson issued the following statement:

“The reforms put forward in the Every Student Succeeds Act will prepare students for the 21st century economy, empower parents to get out of the bleachers and back into the classrooms, and allow dedicated educators to teach and inspire our future generations.

“Today’s signing ceremony for the Every Student Succeeds Act, marks a historic, bi-partisan recognition that an overhaul of ‘No Child Left Behind’ was necessary to provide more flexibility and control to the states, school districts, educators, students and parents.”